Unlocking Quantum Leaps Through Subconscious Reprogramming
Eddie Theokas, M.Ed, LPC
EMDR Therapist Specializing in Trauma, Anxiety & Stress
Nationally Certified Counselor & Approved Clinical Supervisor
Your Goals Are Not the Problem: Understanding the Subconscious Mind And How It Impacts Your Habits and Behavior
How to Prepare for an EMDR Intensive Session: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding and Managing Therapist Burnout
Exploring EMDR: A Path to Healing and Wellness
EMDR Intensives: A Faster Way Towards Healing
20 Attainable Resolutions for Building a Healthy, Happy Life
Personal insights and reflections as a new mom.
The parallel between Star Wars and Mindfulness
Ten Habits to Improve your mental health.
Five Steps to Cultivate Confidence
TEN ways to easily promote change
Countdown 100 to 0
How aligning with your values can lead to your ultimate success.
Why you should stop setting New Year's resolutions and set intentions instead (2023)
Acceptance is the off ramp. Five ways to use mindfulness to evolve beyond just acceptance.
Tips for Burnout Recovery
How knowing the 4 stages of competence can help you navigate change in the therapy process
How “A Day In the Life” mindfulness exercise can help you make change
Tips for Burnout Recovery